
【研学之旅】驻足世界名校 远大梦想从这里启航

2021-12-27 01:27:40

驻足名校了解加拿大 远大的梦想从这里启航




渴望新知,走近加拿大名校,驻足于Trinity West Univeristy (“西三一”大学),即使清风细雨也没能阻挡同学们的热情。

同学们从入校到图书馆,从图书馆到研究所,再从研究所到课堂这一路Mr.cole 进行耐心的讲解,同学们认真的样子使老师们感到欣慰,即使再苦再累也是值得的。

当我们真正的走进“西三一”大学的课堂,Mr.Feng 开始和孩子们互动交流,孩子们通过两天的学习,已经在英语表达上并不羞涩了,敢说,敢答,敢提问。让我们看到了孩子们的变化!

崭新的一天开始了!师生们乘坐了BC Ferry 轮渡,“横渡”太平洋,孩子们在船上兴奋的看着游轮驶过的远方,船上充满了欢声笑语。

随着轮船的前行,来到了BC省省会美丽的花园城市维多利亚,我们穿过Chinatown, 去参观 Fairmount 女皇酒店,里面的高雅与辉煌震惊了我们,竹子姐姐说,这里是所有女孩梦想的地方,也是加拿大最古老的建筑之一。

随时间的推移,我们去了BC省行政中心Parliament Building 来了解加拿大的历史和加拿大的政绩经济行政现状。

在维多利亚大学University of Victoria的校园图书馆和school tour中,同学们被古朴幽雅、绝世美丽的校园景色吸引着,让大家对这所办学理念独特新颖的大学产生了浓厚的兴趣。图书馆里,大家带着任务畅游书海,别有一番风景。



2018加拿大冬令营带队教师 管亚晶



Today is the second day of the winter camp in Canada. We were driving on the Sea to Sky Road .The scenery was so beautiful that we took many pictures. After that we went to one of the top ten ski resorts in the world and it was very cold in Canda. But it is very warm to Harbin.Then we were go to the shop bought some food. Today's trip is over.I think tomorrow will be better. 

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  杨佳雨


Today we went to Stawamus Chief Provincial Park and Whistler.I felt really happy and the time in Vancouver is colorful .The beautiful sight makes me feel excited.I love here and there always gives me happiness . The second day,  We went shopping in the morning and we went to Trinity Western University. The Richmond center is very big and the things’ prize is not so high. The Trinity Western University is a provide University.It is not so huge ,but it is really a good place to study.I think I love in Vancouver .

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  王秀娜


Yesterday we made a cable car together.I saw the beautiful scenery took many lovely pictures and made many good friends .This is a very unforgettable memory  in my life, I am looking forward to the next journey.

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员   郭育陈


A good day is over again today, we go to the supermarket to buy things, and feel the country is very different, perhaps because of the language barrier; we also went to Trinity westschool, with the handsome Feng teacher visited Trinity westschool, also had a school speaking class, although very tired, but very substantial. 

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  姜浩


充实的一天结束了,早上忙碌的洗漱后,我们来到Richmond Center shopping,下午我们参观了Trinity West University,看似很平淡的大学生活,但却让我有了前进的方向,感受到了西方文化的魅力。

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员   姚朴东


今天下午我们来到了Trinity West University,在那里一位加拿大老师则担当起我们的导游,为我们介绍了这所学校的每个细节,随后便是一场讲座,我们也认识了一位来自天津的中国老师,他也为我们介绍了当前加拿大的的基本国情。今天过得很不错,据老师说明天的内容更精彩,在这里的每一天都值得我期待啊!

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  周家旭



2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  王奥龙



2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  石骏一


Today is the third day.We go to the Richmond center around the 10.00 a.m.And it is my frist time to buy things in the foreign mall. The food in Canada is more expensive than the China ,and there are so many Chinese work in there.  then we go to the TRINITY WESTERN UNIVERSITY in the afternoon .The scenery in there is so beautiful .And I also saw many Asia. The students in there is kind .Someone in there can say hello and simle to me.A boy lead us visit their university.After visit, we listened a speech .The speaker is also come from China. He speaks more slowly than others, so I can understand his words .And after the speech l got a beer toy from the teather.I am very looking foward to visit UBC.

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  朱瑞安


Today we made a ferry to the capital of BC Province in Vitoria. We visited the Queen Hotel and University of Victoria. The staff at BC Legislative Building explained the system and history of BC provincial council. Every day they came to Canada was very substantial. I like it very much.

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  张苑轩


Today we went to the Victoria by ferry then we went to British Columbia Parliament Buildings and after that we go to the University of Victoria.The time in Canada is really colorful and cool.I enjoy here.

2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  王秀娜



2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员  欧阳依美



2018年剑桥三中加拿大冬令营队员   石骏一

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