

2020-11-24 00:14:08



9月20日,海门中南东洲国际学校高中部发起了一场“找干冰”总动员。起因是高中部美国AP科学类课程教师Kim Adams的物理课需要用干冰为学生们做实验。高中部所有老师都参与了进来,张炳华校长和耿庆席教学副校长甚至开车把海门市找了个遍,终于在第二天上午在元祖月饼店找到实验所需的干冰。

“找干冰”的过程中,张校长、耿校长和各位老师们发现,在海门市多数的初、高中学校中都找不到“救急干冰”,据这些学校理科老师反映,比起做实验,学校更重视化学、物理等课程的理论学习和知识点记诵,因而实验室的器材被“束之高阁”,实验物品缺乏更不足为怪。找干冰事虽小,却折射出理科教学模式和考核偏重的不同,相比的“应试教育”、“填鸭教育”,美国AP科学类课程在实施过程中更注重实验中求真知的实践精神,以及“服务学生,严谨务实”的教学追求。在科学类课程开设的数量上,AP 物理和 AP 化学是我国开设美国 AP 课程的学校开设最多的两门课程,我校国际高中部引进了AP物理和AP化学,并聘请美国圣玛丽学校AP科学类专业教师Kim Adams进行教学,同时开设江苏普通高中物理课程和化学课程,国际课程与本土课程双轨并行。在教学进行中,可以发现美国AP物理和化学课与普通高中的物理和化学课存在非常多的差异,主要集中在课程理念,课程目标,对师、生的要求,课程教学内容,教学策略,采用的课本、参考书,考试形式,考试的知识范围、考试题型、试题特点、成绩评价方法、升学理念等方面,这次找干冰的小插曲则反映出物理和化学课在同样的授课内容上不同的实施方法和价值追求。与普通高中物理、化学课程相比,美国AP物理和化学课程在忠实于教学大纲、教科书及参考书的基础上,更注重对学生实践能力的培养,通过实验给予学生感官上的真实体验,将化学、物理等科学类课程带入生活中,运用到实践中。同时,美国AP物理、化学教师对学生动手实验的执着和实验过程中认真务实的态度也值得我国普通高中理科教师借鉴与学习。

我校国际高中设置美国AP物理、化学等科学类课程目的在于从高中开始培养学生的科学素养,培养具有批判性和创新性思维的科研人才。美国 AP物理、化学课程设置理念“在于促进学生对物理、化学核心概念深层的、持久的理解”,为实现这一教学目标,“服务学生,严谨务实”的教学态度和教学追求必不可少,课程实施过程中忠实于理论教学的同时更要激发学生的实践能力和创造性思维,真正让物理、化学走进生活。

Thinking to a piece of drikold 

how American AP science courses concentrate on students, seeking truth from experiments.

On September 20th, Haimen Zhongnan Dongzhou International High School started a mobilization of looking for drikold. The reason was the science teacher Kim Adams needed the drikold to do experiment for the students. All the teachers involved in, even General principal Zhang Binghua and vice principal Geng Qingxi drove cars in downtown for the drikold, finally we found it in Ganso.

During the process, principal Zhang and principal Geng found in Haimen city there’s no drikold in most high schools, according to the school science teachers’s reflection, the school pay more attention to the chemistry and physics curriculum theory learning and knowledge memorization, therefore the laboratory equipment has been shelved, the lack of more surprising experimental items. Looking drikold is a small thing, but reflects the emphasis on difference between China and US science teaching model and assessment, compared to the "examination oriented education", "cramming education", the United States AP science courses in the implementation process, pay more attention to seek the truth in the experiment of practical spirit, and student services, the pursuit of rigorous and pragmatic "teaching. The number of open science courses on physical and chemical AP is offering two courses most American AP curriculum in our school, and our school opened two kinds of courses at the same time. In the teaching process, it can be found that there exists very much difference of American AP physics and chemistry and China ordinary high school physics and chemistry, mainly concentrated in the curriculum idea, curriculum goal, the teachers and students requirements, teaching content, teaching strategies, using textbooks, reference books, examination form, evaluation of knowledge the scope of the exam questions, questions, characteristics, methods and achievements of philosophy and other aspects of the entrance examination, this episode for dry ice reflects American Physics and chemistry in the same teaching content on different implementation methods and value pursuit. Compared with the Chinese curriculum in senior high school, physics and chemistry curriculum in the United States AP based faithful to the teaching syllabus, textbooks and reference books, pay more attention to the training of students' practical ability through the experiment to give students a sensory experience, the chemical and physical science courses into life, into practice in. At the same time, the United States AP physics, chemistry teachers and the students hands-on experiment and the experimental process of a serious and pragmatic attitude is worth our ordinary high school science teachers for reference and learning.

Our school set the United States AP physics, chemistry and other science courses aimed at high school students to cultivate scientific literacy, training with critical and innovative thinking of scientific research personnel. The United States AP physical and chemical curriculum philosophy "is to promote the physical and chemical core concepts of deep and lasting understanding", in order to achieve the teaching goal, the student services, rigorous and pragmatic "teaching attitude and teaching pursuit is essential in the process of curriculum implementation is faithful to the theory of teaching but also to stimulate students' practice ability and creative thinking, the real physical and chemical into life.

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摄影撰稿:孙金凤  冯军帅     编辑:许燕


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