

2020-11-09 02:20:33







  • 韦士敦大学,毅伟商学院

  • 韦士敦大学,商业航空管理

  • 多伦多大学密西沙加校区,商科

  • 加州大学河滨分校,商业经济

  • 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校,商业经济

  • 马里兰大学巴尔迪摩分校,经济学

  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,专业待选

  • 理海大学,数学

  • 奖学金总额$73,000


要瞄准顶尖名校,就必须高效规划时间,假期也要充分利用。Michelle利用高二暑假赴美国顶级私立研究型大学——波士顿学院(Boston College)参加了暑期挑战研讨会(Summer Challenge Seminar)。这个研讨会的学员来自世界各国。研讨会侧重点并不是分数,而是通过讲座、讨论、小组任务、调察、口头报告等模块,迅速提升参加者的学术能力。


此外,她在进入CIC后参加了国际时事社团,提高了新闻分析与演讲能力... ...


MIchelle透露:自己与许多申请人一样,通过一个名为Initial View的第三方视频面试机构(initialview.com)预约了网上面试。据这家机构的网站介绍,面试结束后,它们会把录像发送给指定的大学,并且不会在网上公开,只有面试人和招生官能看到。面试录像成为大学招生官了解申请人语言表达、思维反应等能力的真实参考依据。

至于关文书方面的心得,Michelle称在申请理海大学时,需要提交一个规定写作,题目是“为什么理海大学会让你产生求知欲” 她把自己当时的答卷展示出来,与大家分享。


What About Lehigh Piques Your Intellectual Curiosity?

As a daughter of entrepreneurs, I have often been encouraged to launch a business enterprise that is meaningful to me. Therefore,when I discovered Lehigh University’s profound commitment to the development of ideas that engender innovation, I knew immediately that it was the universityfor me! What intrigued me most, was not Lehigh’s fostering of entrepreneurial activities as many colleges do, but rather Lehigh’s comprehensive and ongoing support of endeavors that produce real opportunities.

Support...at every juncture/turn. That’s what Lehigh does for its students. The Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship,Creativity and Innovation acts as an umbrella that incubates opportunity for innovation campus- wide. Interdisciplinary coursework that builds a foundationof business knowledge, supplemental seminars and workshops, and tangible,hands-on experience—all converge to create sustainable innovation.

With my intended major in mathematics or global studies, I can also envision myself enrolled in the introductory course, ENTP101, learning the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and designing an entrepreneurial track, perhaps in the Technology or Service-sector... or seatedat a Baker’s Dozen dinner, sharing ideas with peers and mentors. And as an international student, I would be excited to apply to Martindale Student Associates Program, and to learn about global business undertakings through travel and in working closely with a professor.

Lehigh’s broad community of peers, professors,alumni and mentors is extraordinary because it provides students with the tools and support we need to succeed from inception to implementation, including helpin navigating the domains of the public and private sectors. Through Lehigh’s synergistic, theoretical and experiential education, I could minor in entrepreneurship,and learn to evaluate risk-reward scenarios and engage in creative-problem solving so that I may become a successful entrepreneur, and one day share my experiences and expertise with future Lehigh students.

地址:1003 Main Street West,Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4P3
电话:1(905)572 7883 分机 2832
电子邮件:jguo@cic-totalcare.com   liaison07@cic-totalcare.com

電話:(852)2868 4222
电子邮箱: counsellor01@cic-totalcare.com.hk



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