
传统教育和网络教育 翻译

2020-10-27 21:00:02


The advent of the Internet has changed the way people live their lives and complete work .A growing number of people are now considering distance education,which allow them to complete a degree at home,although distance learning differs from traditional college education in some aspects,learners may find that they can gain as much knowledge from an online courses as they do at university.


Distance education is flexible and  offers learners educational opportunities to attend lectures without having to travel to university.Students can read relevent material and attend lectures by watching videos.When they have problems in digesting information, they can click the pause button and replay the video until they fully understand the contents .


The improvements in  online education also make it possible for students to communicate with their lecturers whenever necessary.students can use interactive communication tools to ask questions in virtual classes or talk to lecturers via email.In this way,these learners can get lecturers' guidence immidiately,thereby completing all  courses effectively. this is exactly the same as the interaction with professors in lecture rooms in the real life.In spite of living in their own countries,they can even communicate with scholars from top universities around the world.

尽管这些事实,远程教育不会提供 学生社交经验这些能够在实体大学中获得。学生们独立地完成学位并且没有机会相互认识以及相互交流。他们没有机会去建立人脉,这些会有负面的影响在他们的职业发展中。相比之下,那些人在大学里学习的能够参与一系列活动在校园里比如做运动和参加俱乐部,这些能够帮助他们建立紧密的人际关系。

In spite of these facts,distance education may not offer students networking experience which can get in a brick and mortar college. Students complete their degree independently and do not have opportunities to meet each other and socialise together.They have no chance to build up a network of contacts,which can have negative impact on their career development. In contrast,those who study at university can do a wide range of activities on campus such as playing sport and joining clubs,which can help them build close relationships.


All in all,interactive technology has enabled learners to communicate with lecturers easily and benefit from the opportunties presented by distance education.So I believe that distance education is now as good as traditional ways of completing a degree at university.


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